Saturday, June 02, 2007

Almost on the road again...

Ah .... I can't wait. The last three weeks have been super busy, ever since I finished work on May 4th. First was a quick visit to my parent's new place in Comox. They had barely moved into their house (I think it was the third time they slept in it the night I arrived) so it wasn't entirely a relaxing visit. I spent much of my time unloading boxes, putting on door handles, putting handles on kitchen cabinets.... but it wasn't all work. I did manage to paddle a couple times on the local rivers - the Brown and the Puntledge, and I spent a few gorgeous mornings/evenings on the spit in from of the house.

The last couple of weeks have been a flurry of activity trying to get ready for the trip and to take advantage of the flowing rivers. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our house have been converted from a cozy living area to rooms with blank walls filled with boxes. Tomorrow we will deliver all our accumulated stuff to its new residence for the next few months.

So I am almost all packed... next stop Montreal to spend a few days with my good friend Nicole. Let the adventure begin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I just finished catching up on all your water adventures...this is quite the blog you've created! Your photographs are spectacular; and your writings are so descriptive and alive. I love it! Thank you for sharing your lives with all of're living a grand adventure beyond.

Hope to meet up with you in Africa!

With love always,
sis xox