Monday, June 11, 2007


So I have left Mark behind in Calgary and made my way over to Montreal to visit my good friend Nicole Kolar. Thus far it has been a crazy fun time. Visiting Montreal during the Grand Prix weekend is definitely the way to go. There are soo many people here and everything is buzzing. On Saturday I went to the Grand Prix to watch the F1 Race. It wasn't the finals - we just got to watch the qualifying, along with the Ferrari Challenge and F1600. The F1 was the best ... it was crazy loud. You had to wear ear plugs. We were standing on a corner where they downshifted from 6th to 1st and then they went all the way back up to 6th. All that was between us and the cars was a concrete barrier and a chain link fence. You could feel in your chest the cars as they passed. It was soo amazing to see... way better than on TV. One of the Ferrari Challenge cars spun out right in front of us so we watched a bit of spinout action. Lewis Hamilton had the fastest qualifying time (he won the race on Sunday as well).

Anne, Nicole and I with Ferrari Challenge going on in the background

Going out in Montreal during this time is a blast... people in the streets all hours of the day and night (actually morning is the most quiet time). Saturday night we went out to Newtown (Villenueve's bar/restaurant) and then out to some club. Sunday we took it easy and climbed up the "mountain" (I'm not actually sure why they call it a mountain as it is more like a hill...).

Nicole, myself and Mimi on Mont Royal

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