After Kenya Mark and I flew back to Canada for a quick trip home. We visited with friends and family, did some skiing and ate lots of sushi. The month passed by quickly and before we knew it we were back on an airplane heading to the UK.
Sweet day skiing at Revy
Hanging out with my bro at Whistler
Quick stopover in New York
We bought another van for the next leg of our adventure. Meet Daisy, the badass Mitsubishi Delica. Pretty much our dream van from the past and low and behold there she was in a Manchester UK driveway for less than some people are buying TV's.
We got off the island of blighty as quickly as possible and made it to mainland Europe. After a brief stopover in Uster to visit family and to pick-up our kayaking gear we headed to Val Sesia (Northern Italy) and Tessin (Southern Switzerland). We met up with some old friends and came across some new ones and spent the last couple weeks enjoying the kayaking and beauty of the area.
Crazy looking Swiss Cow
Mark running the first drop on the Egua
Mark running the first drop on the Egua
Small village in Tessin Alps
Beautiful day on the Egua
Daisy handling the mountain switchbacks
Michelle on the Middle Sermenza
We participated in a couple kayak competitions (Teva Extreme Outdoor Games and Straight Down Striit) and paddled down some classic rivers ( Now we are cleaning up Daisy and preparing for our long drive (by European standards) up to Norway.Michelle competing in the Teva Extreme Outdoor Games
Mark racing in the boater cross in Straight Down Striit