After the Umthamvuna Mark and I went back to Adi and Ange’s homestead where we met up with another crew of boaters. The water was low but we did manage to hit a few rivers (the Tsitsa, the Pot and the Inxu) before we made our way to Underberg, close to the Drakensberg mountains.
Seceond waterfall on the Inxu River
We stayed in Underberg a couple days, paddling the Thrombosis gorge, before making our way to Winterton, in the Central Drakensberg. Chris and Jackie, whom we had met in Uganda live there, and there is some great paddling nearby. In the next week we managed to paddle a couple rivers (including an overnight trip), take in a falconry show, experience some crazy thunderstorms (the Central Drakensberg has one of the highest lightening strike rates in the world) and check out the beautiful area.
Michelle on the Injisuthi River
Portaging on the Tugela
Camp Spot
I'd love to have a Meerkat as a pet!
The drive from Winterton the Clarens was beautiful, especially Golden Gate National Park. We stayed in Clarens for a couple days to run the Ash river, before heading to Lesotho.
Once in Lesotho Mark and I headed for the famous Sani Pass. We drove up into the mountains, through passes over 3000m and lush green mountains. But nothing prepared us for the Sani pass. It was as if the road dropped of the side of the mountain. Crazy steep switchbacks, the like we have never seen before, taken at a snails pace. Finally with a breath of relief we made it to the bottom. I can see why only strong 4x4’s are allowed on this road.
All of a sudden the road drops off a cliff!